Welcome to wonderful Wednesday! I’m having a blast with all the guest posts, interviews, cover reveals…this book launch thing is exhausting but fun.
I’ve decided to skip out on ROW80 this time. I don’t really have time to write or keep up with goals. I’ve got so much going on right now for this book launch that I can’t see adding more to it, and I don’t want to reduce my pre-launch month to a list of things I have to report on every week. I’m hoping to join in again next time, though.
This week’s WIPpet was inspired many months ago when someone (I’m thinking it was Shan Jeniah Burton) mentioned in the comments that she pictured my Cat behaving much like his feline counterpart (really, I did write him that way). She suggested perhaps he might sit on Micah’s lap and mess with his keyboard. I’d already established (but hadn’t mentioned) that Micah’s an author, so I found the idea hilarious—but I couldn’t share why! Now that I’ve given you all last week’s post with their exchange regarding Micah’s novel, I thought I’d treat you to this bit inspired by my fellow WIPpeteer.
WIPmath: 10 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 17 paragraphs.
Cat looked over at the screen. “What are you working on?” He grinned. “Another het story without the heaving boobs?”
Micah let out a snorting laugh. “This one’s a little different from the last.”
Cat’s eyes widened. “Ooh! Is it lesbian porn?” He leaned in and whispered, “Lesbian alien tentacle porn?”
“Oh. My. God.” Micah laughed and swatted at Cat. “You are awful.”
Cat plopped himself in Micah’s lap, startling the breath out of him in a whoosh. “Let me see.” He twisted slightly so he could peer at the screen. “Why, Micah!” he said. “Are you actually writing a gay story this time?” He snickered.
“I wasn’t going to, no.” Micah tried to reach around to close the laptop, but Cat blocked him.
“But you have these two exceptionally hot guys, and they are totally flirting.” He read Micah’s most recent paragraph out loud. “Oh, they want each other bad. So much sexual tension there.”
“They’re on a road trip, discussing driving directions to the next city.”
Cat began typing, and Micah made a grab for his hands. “Don’t mess it up!”
“Not messing. I’m telling them they want to have hot sex on the hood of the car.” Cat elbowed Micah.
Giving in, Micah let him continue to type for a few minutes. He longed to stretch out his hands along Cat’s legs or wrap them around Cat’s waist. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes to rid himself of the intrusive thoughts. It wasn’t easy, given that he had a sweet, sexy redhead sitting on his lap, fooling around on his keyboard. With a low growl, Micah decided to do something about it. He put out his index finger and dug it gently into Cat’s ribs.
That did it. Cat yelped and pitched sideways. Micah grabbed him to steady him, and Cat stood up. He glared at Micah. “I was just getting to the good part.”
Micah studied the screen. “This is…absolute shit, you jerk,” he laughed. “Good thing I’m the one who does the writing. Also, this guy? Brad? He’s in love with Tammi. So it’s no-go with Karl.”
Cat crossed his arms and pouted. “Karl has an unrequited crush, then. Can’t you make at least one of them gay?” He batted his eyelashes. “Please?”
“I could. But I’m not going to.” He rolled his shoulders. “Maybe one of these days I’ll write a gay story. But I’ll need a new pen name for that.”
“I’ll bet I could think of one,” Cat said with a smirk.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll take some time to check out the other entries. Many thanks to K. L. Schwengel, especially as she didn’t send her monkey minions after me last week. Happy writing!