Well, today is the Big Day. My kids are relaxing and getting ready for three performances of High School Musical Jr. This is my older one’s last junior show. *sniff* My poor younger kid has had a cold and her voice is pretty rough today. Hoping to soothe her throat by keeping her well hydrated.
I’m skipping ahead from last week to Micah’s meeting with another new friend. I may go back to Jude later, but as this was Trans Awareness Week, we’ve been asked to post about a trans character. Micah is not, but the person he’s about to meet is. Bit longer than 6 sentences for clarity.
Out in the main foyer, a short, bald man in business casual attire was talking with the secretary. As Micah approached, he noticed the man wasn’t entirely bald after all—only on top, and he’d shaved everything else. He turned around and looked at Micah, his earrings winking in the foyer’s fluorescent lights.
“Mr. Forbes, right?” he asked.
“Uh…yes. You can call me Micah. And you are?” Micah approached and extended a hand.
“Chris Sharpe. I’m the associate pastor at the non-denominational church on the north end of town—Unity.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!