Happy Saturday! It’s Pride this weekend, so I’ll be proudly sporting my bi colors and my fancy confetti-streaked nails. It’s probably hard to tell in the pic, but the middle ones are rainbow, and there’s one each, L-R, for asexual, bi, genderqueer, and trans (for myself and the people closest to me).
Today’s snippet is from my new anthology of interconnected stories, Leaps of Faith. They’re all in the same setting as Passing on Faith and Walking by Faith. People kept asking me for more of Cat and Micah and their friends, so here it is. This is a bit of the first story, “From the Lips of Children.” (Cat is 13 here, his sister is 11.)
[Cat] knew he liked boys but not girls, and he knew the word for boys-who-only-liked-boys was gay, but did it still apply if he wasn’t sure he was a boy? Cat didn’t know a word for that, someone who wasn’t a boy or a girl, and it wasn’t like there were people to ask. Cat did not think he was a girl, not even after all the times he’d sneaked into LR’s room after lights-out so she could let him try on the dresses she saved for special occasions.
LR had good taste, and the two of them were almost the same size, due to LR still being flat-chested and Cat not growing right because he was always sick. He was used to having Mom fuss over him constantly because of his hemophilia and the complications he had from reacting to the synthetic clotting factor. Having a son—or whatever you called a kid who only felt like a boy part-time—who dressed in “girls’ clothes” would, in her mind, invite trouble.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!