Happy Saturday! I’m running really late posting because we spent yesterday at a nearby amusement park. My 13yo son plays saxophone in his school’s jazz band, and they were there competing yesterday. They won first place, and my son’s BFF got an award for outstanding soloist. He absolutely deserved it; he was incredible.
On to the snippet. I’m still posting bits of Nightsong until I have enough of something else to post. This week, we’re back with Nate. Here, he’s hooked up with an old flame. It’s more than 6 sentences, but it wouldn’t make sense otherwise.
Nate was almost too blissed-out to notice when Rocco’s phone rang. Through his sleepy haze, Nate felt motion next to him. He rolled over and admired the curve of Rocco’s ass as the sheet slipped to reveal it when he reached over to the nightstand.
“This is Rocco.” Pause. “Yes, that would be fine.” Pause. “I’m with a client right now, but I can set it up after my meeting.” His eyes flicked to Nate. “No, that’s not possible.” He covered the phone with his hand and whispered, “Be right back.”
He rose from the bed and stalked into the bathroom. For a moment, it was quiet, and then he heard Rocco’s muffled voice. He sounded angry, and Nate caught a few words like “let’s not do this now” and “we’ll discuss it later” and “it’s not a good time.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!