Happy Saturday! Release day for Nightsong went well. I was surprised and pleased that it got some nice reviews. Meanwhile, I’m continuing to plug away at the next book in the series, Drumbeat. I’m currently posting from that on Wednesdays, if you feel like checking those out. The WIPpet Wednesday blog hop is open to anyone, so feel free to join us if you’d like to share from your WIP. There’s also a FB group!
This week, I’m snipping again from Nightsong. Here’s our other MC this time. Israel “Izzy” Kaplan is an EMT who moonlights as a drag queen performing mostly show tunes. In this bit, he’s talking to his partner about a call they received. (It’s based on a real event—my father-in-law once had a very similar transport.) Six lines rather than 6 sentences because it makes more sense.
Val huffed. “Yeah, okay. Get to the point already.”
“We’re supposed to go”—he laughed again—“pick up”—another snort—“a skeleton.”
Val’s face registered confusion. “Someone’s been dead a long time.”
“A real long time,” Izzy agreed. “On the order of millions of years.”
He guffawed again. “We have to transport a fucking dinosaur. That’s not a metaphor.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!