A week into 2017, and things are hopping here already. The kids are back in school, and my rehearsals start on Monday. There’s so much happening in our family over the next 8 weeks, between auditions and performances.
Meanwhile, I’m working on edits for the first of my 2017 projects. I’m sure other opportunities will come up over the course of the year, but so far, I’m down for 2 novels and a short story/novella/however long it turns out. My current work-in-edits is the last part of the series which includes Passing on Faith and Walking by Faith. This one’s titled Keeping the Faith.
For my snippet, I’m posting 6 sentences from Keeping the Faith. In this scene, Micah (the main character) has gone to see his sister-in-law. The baby in question is hers, and there’s a reason why it would be especially bad for him to get hurt.
A crash and a yelp from the kitchen propelled Micah to his feet. In a flash, he scooped up a crying Robbie and set the chair he’d pulled over back on its legs. He inspected Robbie head to toe, but there wasn’t a scratch on him. Relieved, Micah turned around with the baby in his arms and nearly collided with LR.
“Thank you,” she said, her shoulders relaxing.
“No problem.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!