Happy Wednesday! I’m getting ready for NaNoWriMo and the second half of this epic road trip novel. At the same time I’m writing, I’ll also be putting in some volunteer hours with my daughter’s last junior musical at school. She ages out after this one. Time goes so fast! Feels like yesterday it was her big brother’s last one.
Anyway, when I posted a couple weeks ago, I introduced a new character. He was making breakfast when Luke and Connor showed up in the kitchen. This time, we find out who he is (sort of). The first bit is from last week.
The man closes the oven door and steps back. When he does, he notices Luke and Connor hovering in the doorway.
“Hey,” he says, his full lips breaking into a big smile as he extracts his earbuds. He steps away from the stove long enough to offer each of them a hand. “I’m Justin.” His voice has a slight fry, and his sentence rises at the end, almost a hint of a question.
Luke’s cheeks burn. Justin is a good twenty years his senior, but Luke finds him very attractive. There’s something in him that draws Luke in and holds his attention. Despite Justin’s casual attire, Luke still feels underdressed in faded jeans and a worn black music festival shirt. He looks down at himself and wishes he had something nicer. Or even that he’d attended the music festival instead of buying the shirt at a secondhand store because he liked the band pictured.
Connor elbows him. Luke’s taken so long to respond that Justin is already back at the stove, finishing the food. Luke’s face goes from a little warm to flaming, and he’s sure Justin’s noticed. He’s still smiling, and his eyes twinkle.
“I’m Luke.” The words come out as a strained bark.
“Yes, your friend said.” Justin laughs. “Don’t worry, I get that reaction a ton. I don’t think I’m quite what people expect.”
“Not…really.” Luke chokes.