So, this happened.
In less than 4 months, my very first FF romance will be released. I’m still sort of stunned that this is actually happening. I’ve been wanting to make a shift from primarily writing about men (and male-assigned nonbinary people) to writing primarily about women (and female-assigned nonbinary people). Maybe some slice-of-life books that include a range of people, not really focused on romance.
And here it is, the first of those. I still have to get Tree of Life in shape, and that’s more male-centric. But that’s not a romance, and that’ll be the last of the books with exclusively male leads.
Every Time We Meet has my favorite trope, the time loop/do-over day. Think Groundhog Day and other similar stories. But I think I’ve added a bit of a twist, or maybe a few twists.
Today, I’m sharing the Big Moment, the one that starts main character Heidi on her way. I may share bits of the rest at another time, so the snippets won’t necessarily be in order. (Or will they? Mwahahaha!)
There was a place to sit near the stage where all the children’s events were held. Some group was there now, one Heidi didn’t recognize because she no longer had kids young enough to bring them. As she sat, she realized she was a little dizzy. Whether it was from the fall or from being so close to Angel was anyone’s guess.
Angel opened one water and handed it to Heidi. She took the other herself and sipped it, silently watching the kids’ concert. After a few minutes, she turned her attention to Heidi.
“I’m Angel,” she said. “But I take it you knew that.”
“Heidi, and yep. From the radio.” Heidi giggled nervously. “I listen to you every day on my way to work.”
“Yeah? Where do you work?”
“Twenty-three-hour surgery at General. I’m a nurse’s aide.” Heidi took a big gulp of water, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of the cool liquid sliding down her throat. The throbbing in her head eased, and she opened her eyes to look at Angel. “So you also moonlight selling Leather Anvil gear?”
“Something like that.” Angel laughed. “Being a morning show host is great. My dream job. But I also do some publicity stuff for Leather Anvil. I’ve known Martina my whole life.”
“The lead singer? No way!” Heidi shook her head. “I love them. I was on my way to get one of the CDs when…well, you saw what happened.”
“People are so rude. That guy definitely didn’t need to shove you to get through.” Angel put a hand on Heidi’s arm. “Are you really okay?”
“I am.” Heidi flashed her a grin to reassure her. “Physically, anyway. Not so sure about the rest.” She deflated, thinking about how horrible the day had been.
“No need to worry,” Angel said. “The others have it under control back at the booth. I was just there to hang out. No harm done, as far as I could tell. Even the table.” She elbowed Heidi, but that cute half-smile was back, the one that told Heidi that Angel was amused.
Angel obviously had it wrong. Sure, Heidi was a little embarrassed about her mishap. And she was definitely a little warm in Angel’s presence. But it was everything else, all the way up to and including dinner with Cass, that had her heart sinking. She had to go home soon and tell the kids what happened. They all loved Cass.
Heidi had thought she loved Cass.
“It’s not that,” Heidi said before she could think about what was coming out of her mouth. Maybe she’d been hit on the head hard enough to lose her inhibitions. “I proposed to my girlfriend, and she said no. Which was the perfect end to this perfectly sucky day.” Heidi set the water next to her and put her head in her hands. Even the music from the kids’ concert seemed to be mocking her.
“Aw, I’m sorry.” Angel patted her back, and for some reason, it made Heidi’s emotions contort themselves so she was laughing and crying at the same time.
“I just wish,” Heidi said, sitting up and wiping her eyes, “that I could have it all to do over again, you know? Not make the same mistakes.”
“Do you?”
“Do I what?” Heidi frowned.
“Wish you could have the day back.”
“Yeah. I’d get it all right, and everything would be perfect.”