So, 2018 was admittedly not my best year. But there were definitely some highlights. Instead of regretting and lamenting the things that went south, I’m taking the best parts of my year into 2019. I don’t know what the coming year will bring, but I hope to hang onto some of 2018’s good things.
Writings and Ramblings
This year, I only wrote one novel, one novella, and one short story for a collaboration, with a couple of flash fictions that I posted here on the ol’ blog.
Year of the Guilty Soul (YA/semi-historical/slice of life/relationships; Beaten Track, July)
Drumbeat (contemporary/romance/relationships/gay & bisexual; Supposed Crimes, September)
Sparkly Badgers Christmas Anthology (various)
Yes, 2018 was the Year of the Torso. Not only did I write a short story, I also created a Pinterest board for my Torso Art. They’ve been used during online promotional events as well. I don’t know whether it makes me happy or sad that my torsos are more popular than my books.
Jobs and Tinkering
This year saw an increase in my editing and proofreading work. Thanks to everyone who sent me manuscripts and/or clients this year. I’ve had the privilege to work with some of the most amazing authors.
I’m also now doing social media content creation for a small press. This is probably the most fun job I’ve ever had. Way back in the day, I had a college professor who predicted this was the sort of work I should be doing. I didn’t like her, so I ignored her. She was right, though. It’s a really rewarding and creative job, and I love it.
I had some excitement in the form of my first ever dance recital! My big kid (the one in the picture) encouraged me to take Irish dance, which was not only fun but great research for a novel. In June, I got to be onstage. Nerve-racking but awesome!
My novella Year of the Guilty Soul became my first-ever audiobook. I hope to save up enough funds to do another one in the future.
For the aforementioned small press, I got to curate and edit my first anthology. I am in awe of the talented writers who submitted their work. It was hard paring it down to just 10 stories.
The big one: My family took a trip overseas! We went to England to meet up with some other writers and their families. What an amazing time, and far too short.

Media Galore
These are all the books, movies, television, and live shows I’ve seen this year. My favorites in each category are starred. I’ve only included books released in 2018, television with new episodes in 2018, and movies released in 2018 (with the exception of West Side Story, which was a special event screening). Live theater is all shows, including school and local.
Seven-Sided Spy, by Hannah Carmack
Speedbump, by Charli Coty
The Follow 2: Blocked, by Eliza David*
Lander, by J. Scott Coatsworth
Surrogate: Hunted, by Jeanne G’Fellers*
Tomboy, by Janelle Reston*
Rainbow Romances, a charity anthology
Tabula Rasa, by Debbie McGowan
Vanilla Clouds, by Roe Horvat
Seasons of Love, a Beaten Track anthology*
Cleaning House, by Jeanne G’Fellers*
Of Princes False and True, by Eric Alan Westfall
The Gaia Project, by Claire Buss
The Summer Between, by Anne G’Fellers-Mason*
Goth of Christmas Past, by Debbie McGowan*
The Lost Mitten, by J.S. Morley (Debbie McGowan)
Mama, Me, & the Holiday Tree, by Jeanne G’Fellers
Somewhere in Between, by Natasja Hellenthal
The Advent of Reason, by Debbie McGowan*
Defensive Play, by Jamie Deacon
West Side Story (special viewing)
Bandstand (film of the final Broadway performance)
Television & Netflix
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power*
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Great British Baking Show*
Live Theater
Big Fish (okay, this was my kids’ show, LOL, but it was good!)*
A Bronx Tale (touring premiere, opening night)*
South Pacific (my friend was in it)*
Aladdin Jr. (also a school performance)*