This is the third post on the subject of mutuality (see footnote).
I got some nice responses to my first post in this series, including a mention in this post (which I enjoyed reading; I appreciate the writer’s generous, loving tone). On my Facebook page, one friend wrote,
[To] us that word [submission] doesn’t mean authority it mean[s] “source.”
I found myself thinking about that, because I liked it, but couldn’t place exactly why. Then I realized that I liked it because it has profound implications for both complementarians and egalitarians. In other words, we can both be right, because in our unique marriages, we can figure out with our spouses what to do with it.
I looked up the word “source” and found the following definitions from the American Heritage Dictionary:
- The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained.
- The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river.
- One that causes, creates, or initiates; a maker.
- One, such as a person or document, that supplies information: A reporter is only as reliable as his or her sources.
- Physics. The point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.
Each one of those definitions can hold meaning within a marriage. Each one can be a point of blessing for a couple, depending on how they view their roles and how they are seeking to honor one another and Jesus. The beautiful part about the word is that when it’s applied to the passage about mutual submission, it can take on a whole new dimension.
Personally, being kind of a geek, I like definition number 5. It suits us well, as my husband and I both score major Nerd Points, both in our marriage and in life generally. If marriage is a system, then it certainly makes sense that “mass” would have been added when we entered into it!
I would encourage you, with your spouse, to engage with this concept of “source” in marriage. What does it mean for you? How does it work in practical terms? In what ways does this make you feel either more free or more restricted? I hope that in digging deeper, you will be able to find peace with how your relationship works.
This post is part of the Week of Mutuality led by Rachel Held Evans. You can follow the other posts on Twitter with #mutuality2012. Check it out, there are some fantastic writers weighing in on the topic. On Friday, I will highlight my favorites. Look for Rachel’s faves in her usual Sunday Superlatives.