It’s been quite a week–so much tragedy. There is really nothing I can say here that hasn’t been said already; I echo all of it.
When the world is this bleak, I find that I need something to lift me out of that. All I want is a good, fluffy book to read and something that makes me smile. So today’s Friday links are all about the lighter side of things.
1. Friday Freebie
A bunch of fellow writers and I contributed to this e-book of poetry: Love Poems Deconstructed. It’s free, and who doesn’t like free stuff? I am definitely not a poet, but it was a fun experiment.
2. Friday F***
Well, technically not. But it’s related! After my post about condoms on Wednesday, both of the lovely women I mentioned in my post weighed in on the topic. (They ‘fessed up their literary identities, so I feel comfortable linking to them now even though I didn’t previously name them.) Many thanks to Adrian for reminding me that consent is sexy for men, too. And Sirena, you are most definitely not a bad feminist! I’ve read your story, remember? You write women who are a) fantastic and b) pass the Bechdel test. Kudos!
Also, on a side note, I found this while searching for condoms in romantic fiction. I’m one of those awful people who actively looks for something that’s going to indicate these people are being safe and healthy. There are exceptions, but I even expect it in some types of fantasy or science fiction. And the woman who said in the comments that she never uses them because she’s sure she’s low risk? Yeah, I have a degree in health science, lady. You’re not getting one past me. Go buy some condoms, for Pete’s sake.
3. Friday Funny
Another good one from Naked Pastor. Insert sarcastic comment about how I don’t have any experience with this at all. Nope.
4. Friday Fiction
Here’s the latest installment in the ongoing saga of the Royal Family of Hell. If you haven’t read them, check out Part 1 and Part 2 first (or today’s won’t make much sense).
Have a great weekend, all. Play safe (in more ways than one)!