Although this isn’t making news beyond the evangelical sphere, I thought I’d share. Please take a moment to read the article I’ve linked before you read the rest of this post.
First, in case you’ve never heard of the book in question (I had, but in a different context), you should know that this book is a) not the first of its kind; and b) not as scary as Baptist Press makes it sound. It’s actually a pretty cute story, and it has a sequel in which the two kings add to their family. However, all that is beside the point.
I happen to live in New York, where same-sex marriage is now legal. It has been legal in Massachusetts for some time now. (It’s also legal in Canada, the land where people seem to freak out a lot less about this stuff.) The growing fear among conservative evangelicals is that our children will be “indoctrinated” to believe that same-sex unions are “normal.”
I have news for you: In New York, it now is normal, being legal and all. I have more news: Right now, your children are in class with kids who have two mommies or two daddies. I happen to personally know three such families, all of whom have children in the public school system. It’s not going to happen, it already is.
For other kids, same-sex unions among family and friends are part of their reality. My children have two aunts who love them very much, and a host of other GLBT folks in their lives. For them, this is not strange. Knowing real, flesh-and-blood humans creates an opportunity to talk with our kids (yes, even at ages 6 and 8 ) about these things. And it has come up, not in class, but because they can read for themselves. They read signs, see newspaper headlines in the store, and come across bumper stickers. We have had to explain all sorts of things to our kids, and we always try to take a loving approach to the subject.
This whole thing is parallel to the brouhaha in California over the “gayification” of public education. There is this fear that somehow, all the history books are suddenly going to turn everyone gay. I’m not aware of campaigns to list the Founding Fathers as having had a wild orgy on the night they signed the Declaration of Independence. All that is happening is that the contributions of gay Americans will have a place in the books (for example, Harvey Milk) and that important events in the history of the Gay Rights Movement will be included (such as the Stonewall riots). Historical facts, people, not a lengthy course on Every Gay Person Who Ever Lived and How They Are More Awesome than You.
Public education is not conservative Christian education. Nor should it be. If you would like to teach your child those values, please feel free to do so—in your own home. If your child’s teacher reads a book to which you object, please talk with your child about your family’s beliefs. Or, better yet, send your child to private school or homeschool. If those are not options, then revisit option 1. But don’t expect the everyone to cater to your specific reading of the Bible in a public classroom.