Hey, faithful blog readers! Just wanted to let you know, I’m not going to post again until Monday. I’m taking tonight and tomorrow off so I can participate in an event at church.
For those of you not members of my church, we’re raising money for a couple of great charities. The teens in our student ministries, along with some of our high school graduates and the adult leaders, are fasting for the next day and a half. This event is similar to World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine, but we will be donating the money to other initiatives. The money raised at what our church has named Hunger for Hope will go to Children’s Relief International and the Ugandan Water Project. I hope you will consider doing something similar, either with your family or your faith community.
In the meantime, please pray for us. Pray that we will be able to give generously to these charities; pray that the youth at our church will be touched by their experience; and pray that this is not an isolated event, but merely one way that we can reach out in hope to our world.
Thanks all, and see you Monday!