Happy Saturday! I hope everyone’s week was good. Ours was busy with occasional hiccups, but it ended well. I had my first Irish dance class last night, and it was really fun! My son’s been dancing for about 7 years now, and he’s been trying to talk me into it for ages.
In other news, Bisexual Week starts tomorrow! I’m going to be celebrating with daily flash fictions, a couple of book reviews, and my usual mid-week snippet from my WIP. I’ll be hosting a giveaway as well as linking to giveaways and discounts via other authors and publishers. Next Saturday is the official Bisexual Visibility Day. Anyone else have plans this week? Comment with a link, and I’ll make sure to include you in the Bi Week festivities.
Some people may consider today’s snippet “cheating,” since this particular couple is M/F. However, the only rule is that at least one of them has to identify as LGBTQIA+. It can be frustrating to find good stories about bi+ characters in different-gender relationships, so that’s what I’ve done here. This is from Leaps of Faith, a story called “His Light in Her Eyes.”
They’d bonded over their mutual love of the same novel. LR had a signed copy in her hand, which she’d used on the first leg of her trip to fend off the nosy, chatty woman in the seat next to her. It hadn’t really deterred her seat mate. LR would’ve needed a giant, flashing neon sign telling her to fuck off instead of her brother-in-law’s latest gay romance.
When Jamal had sat down next to her, he’d looked at the cover and said, “I just finished that one. That ending…wow, it was fantastic.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!