Happy Saturday! We’re having a relaxing day after the busy schedule the last few weeks. Our main computer finally died, and we had to replace it. Fortunately, the new beast seems to be working out well.
Todays’ snippet is again from my new anthology, Leaps of Faith. These stories are all part of the world that my novel Passing on Faith is set in. The series finally has a title: Faithfully Yours. (Note: This is not religious fiction, despite the title and symbolism.) I’m sticking with “From the Lips of Children,” since so many people seemed to enjoy teenage Cat’s voice. On a personal note, Cat expresses very much what I felt at his age, though his birth-designated gender is different from mine.
Blaze was a pretty average guy, and he liked to look at how the girls their age were starting to fill out their swimsuits. He’d told Cat it was okay to look, as long as they weren’t being creepy about it or anything. Cat had only rolled his eyes; he had no interest in boobs.
He did like looking at their bathing suits, though. He wondered what it was like to wear the cute two-piece suits that had become popular. How would it feel with the material stretched over his chest and the high sides of the bottom tied tight against his hips?
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!