Happy Saturday! It’s recital weekend part 1. Dress rehearsals today, then the big shows tomorrow. Tap, jazz, ballet, and hip hop. It’s a long and exhausting weekend, but the shows are always wonderful. Their dance studio does a good job with these shows. There’s a group of littles (maybe age 6-7?) all dressed up as villains and doing a tap dance to Despicable Me. So cute and fun. My 11yo’s class is dancing to Super Mario Brothers. It’s adorable.
And now for this week’s snippet. Last week, Nate was out with Rocco the Jerk. This week, he’s…well. You’ll see. And yes, it’s relevant.
The minute Nate opened his eyes, he knew something was wrong. The gritty, sandy feel when he blinked; the headache spreading down from his forehead; the fire under his skin. He was positive he had a fever, though he didn’t own a thermometer to check. It wasn’t surprising he’d picked up a bug, since he’d already sent multiple cast members home with illnesses. Working in close proximity made fertile ground for passing things around. He’d been feeling tired and a little off for a couple of days already. Still, he’d hoped he was wrong and he would escape the germs or at least meet them in weaker form. Apparently, no such luck.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!