Happy Wednesday! Our household is once again back to the pre-holiday schedule. All classes and rehearsals have started. Last night, neither the kids nor I had anything, and the busyness the rest of the week makes us appreciate it all the more.
Meanwhile, I’m feeling like 2017 isn’t off to the greatest start in my professional circles. Let’s just say there’s lots of drama already. I think what makes me saddest is seeing how the behavior isn’t any more mature than middle schoolers. In fact, my own middle schoolers and their friends are mostly more advanced than a lot of adults.
Enough of that. On to my WIPpet. I’m still deep in edits on Keeping the Faith, and I did promise I’d post the next bit which follows last week’s. Micah is visiting with LR, and he’s asked if he can talk to her about something. It’s a sensitive subject for them both.
WIPmath: 1/11 = 1 + 11 = 12 sentences.
“Of course,” LR replied. She accepted Robbie into her arms and carted him to the living room, where she plopped him down with some toys. He promptly dropped into crawl mode and scooted away, dragging a stuffed bunny by the ear.
Micah fidgeted a little. “I don’t know how to say this, but…I can’t clean out his room. I just can’t.”
LR frowned. “I thought you already had.”
“Mostly, yeah. But I’ve got his shoes and his cello and some of his clothes, plus an attic full of his old tools.” He drew in a deep breath, holding it together. “I need to move on, but I feel so stuck.”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!