Happy Wednesday, all! If you’re NaNo‘ing with me, how’s it going? I’m up to just under 19k words now. I’m aiming for 2k per day. I’ve been mostly on track with that, with the exception of a couple of days.
I’m not posting from my NaNo novel yet. I’d like to wait until December, when it becomes a matter of adding to what’s there and cleaning up what I already have. At the moment, it’s sort of a mess. If I can’t think what to put in a scene but know what needs to happen, I write lovely place holders like, “[Main character] does [series of foolish/sexy/sneaky/whatever things] and [argument/hot sex/revenge/whatever happens].” That’s not really fun to use for a WIPpet, entertaining though I’m sure it sounds.
Anyhow, today’s WIPpet is another snippet of an erotic short story. This story contains the following elements: Raging thunderstorm, stranded motorist, mysterious mansion, hot men, hot sex, and a surprise twist. I’m sure that even this heat level will make at least one or two of you blush, but I promise they still have their clothes on.
WIPmath: 14 for the year = 14 sentences.
Slowly, Trace raised his eyes. They were close, both breathing fast from the near miss—or possibly something else. The electric prickle vaulted up Trace’s spine, but this time he was certain it had nothing to do with the storm; he wondered if it ever had. Before he could over-think anything, he put his hand on the back of Angel’s neck. Willingly, Angel drew closer, and their lips met, merging and melting together.
Without warning, Angel backed Trace into the shelf, the kiss becoming more aggressive. Trace gave back as good as he got, and they pushed against each other, slamming into the shelf hard enough to cause books to tumble to the floor around them. The air crackled, and one of the windows banged open, allowing the cool wind to swirl past them. Both men ignored it in favor of exploring each other.
Trace slid his hand down to cup Angel’s ass, drawing his hips closer in the process. They ground against each other, and as Trace’s lips parted with an extended groan, Angel pushed his tongue inside. He tasted spicy, like cinnamon, and the combination of that and the intensity of their movement overloaded Trace’s senses. He whimpered into Angel’s mouth, torn between begging him to stop and urging him on but doing neither. Outside, tree branches tapped furiously on the windowpanes as the wind whipped wildly around the house, gusting in concert with Trace’s ragged breathing.
If you want to know what happens, you’ll have to read the rest of the story. It’s a “real” WIP this time in the sense that it won’t be up on this web site until later this afternoon, when the formatting and stuff is all completed. But you’ll be able to find it in the store then for 25 cents.
WIPpet Wednesday is made possible by the fantastic K. L. Schwengel. If you liked this snippet (or if you didn’t and want something more your style), check out the other links and show some love to my fellow authors. Happy writing!