Guess what?
It’s just over 6 weeks until my book is released!
So today, in addition to all my updates and my WIPpet, I’m asking you all for help.
I’m putting together a launch team for my book. What I need are people who are willing to do one or more of the following:
- Join the Launch Team on Facebook (closed group)
- Read and review the advance copy of my novel (at least on the seller sites and Goodreads, but also on your blog if you have one) by October 31
- Participate in the cover reveal (September 29)
- Tweet, Facebook, or blog the links to purchase the book
- Post an author interview
- Allow me to guest post on your blog
You don’t have to do all of those. You can choose how much or little you do. In return, I’d like to spotlight YOU! All during October, I’m featuring guest posts, books, and promotion for my fellow writers/bloggers/authors. You can write a post, give me your book info, whatever. All you need to do is comment here, email me, tweet at me, or find me on Facebook. If you want to join the FB group, go here and ask to join.
On to updates!
Home stretch!
- Write 1hr/day in Passing on Faith: √ Now in revisions, so not anymore. But I’m continuing to write for an hour a day.
- Read 30min/day: √ Yep. I think I wrote 3 book reviews last week.
- Write 1 blog post/week other than ROW80/WIPpet: √ Not yet this week. Not sure I’ll get to it. I’m busy with getting ready for the book launch month.
Last week, I introduced you all to Rachel. Now I get to give you a bit more. But I can’t tell you the full reason she’s called Micah because…well, spoilers. I’m hoping to get a new WIP underway, since this one’s already in revisions. My math: 9 +17 = 26 + the 1 (from 2014) = 27 sentences.
“Are you still there?” Rachel asked, her voice hesitant.
“Yeah. Sorry. You just took me by surprise.” Micah crossed the room to sit down.
“I’m sorry to disturb you. I hope you aren’t busy.”
“No,” he assured her. “I’m down at the lake house, actually. Just finished working on it for the day.”
“Good. That’s more or less why I wanted to talk to you.”
“About the lake house?” Micah was a little confused.
“Yes and no. More about your brother, actually.”
Micah didn’t even have to ask which one. “What did Elijah do this time?”
Rachel laughed softly. “Where to begin? Your brother has been doing things for years, playing around with the church’s finances, and now that your father’s gone, it’s time to do something about it.”
“So, why are you calling me? I don’t understand.”
Rachel was quiet for a moment. “I need your help, Micah. I can’t do this alone. You and I both know what Elijah’s like, and you’re the only one who will believe what I have to tell you about where the money is coming from and how he’s using it.”
I’m leaving it there. She doesn’t tell him in this scene anyway, and to tell you more would mean fewer surprises.
If you like what you see, be sure to visit the other wonderful writers in this blog circle here. You can also add your own by posting a snippet to your blog, connecting it to the date, and linking up with us. Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for hosting. Happy writing!