I nearly forgot about this. Good thing it’s still early in the day (not even 9:30am EST). I’m still posting bits from this novel because I haven’t gotten my last chapter back from my beta readers yet, and there’s a ton of work to do getting this thing whipped into shape once it goes to the second round of readers. Really, though, I’m just not ready to let it go. Anyone else find that your characters become like extended family? We’ve been together for so long that I’m reluctant to end that relationship.
Anyway, today you get 12 lines. And my math is cool! Today is the 12th, but if you add all the digits in today’s date, you get…12! (Hey, I married a math teacher; what do you expect?)
Warnings for swearing. When he’s not working, Phin’s got a mouth on him. I think it’s in rebellion against his snooty upbringing.

“You brought me to a fucking church?”
“You may wish to filter your language a little.” Alex looked sideways at Phin. “This is where I go on Sunday mornings.” He offered no further explanation. He got out of the car and stood next to it.
“You could’ve warned me. What if I were Jewish or something?”
“I know you’re not.”
With a sigh, Phin climbed out of the car. He didn’t want to be rude, but he didn’t want to go in, either. “I’m not really the church type.”
Alex shrugged. “You don’t have to come in.” He started walking.
Another challenge. Phin frowned and said, “No, I’ll go.” He followed Alex toward the building and quickly caught up. “God. I haven’t been to church in—what, fifteen years?”
“I promise, we don’t bite.” Alex tilted his head to the side. “You used to go to church?”
“My parents are Presbyterians, yeah.” Not that it made a goddamn bit of difference in their lives. “You’re Catholic?”
With a chuckle, Alex replied, “You’re joking, right? No. This is a Lutheran church.”
“Ah. Catholic lite.”
Alex swatted his arm. “Jerk.”
Wonder what Phin will think of his religious experience. For the record, I do not think Lutherans are “Catholic lite.” I happen to be Lutheran, and I’ve heard it before. Repeatedly. If you’re going to say something stupid to me, be warned it may appear in a future story. *evil grin*
As always, go here to read the other WIPpet entries and add your own!