It’s time for another installment of my WIP. This week, we join my other MC as she tries to figure out just what the heck is going on. For some context, she found Phin’s phone and did some snooping, and now she’s using what she learned to do a bit of detective work. This scene was my husband’s idea–does that say something about him that he would go digging around if he found a phone belonging to his possible nemesis? Anyway, this is 11 sentences from the 12th scene of the story (today is 12/11). I’d have done it the other way around, but I posted from the 11th scene last week.
If you want to play along (and I hope you do!) post a bit of your WIP (your snippet must have an association with the date) and link up here. Be sure to read the others; there are some absolutely fantastic WIPs to enjoy.
Dani opened up one of the tabs on her browser. She had done a quick search for Donald Murdock’s name, hoping for more information besides his position with the Department of Education. She hadn’t been expecting to find much, but when she saw his name associated with a school district in the Albany area, she clicked the link.
By the time she was three sentences in, she was frowning. Murdock appeared to have been involved in the conversion of several elementary schools into charters. That wasn’t uncommon; with the new standards, many schools had failed to pass. Closing and reopening as charter schools was among the valid options. The problem was that Murdock seemed to have had a hand in at least three districts converting multiple schools to charters. Dani wasn’t sure if that was strange or not, but she decided it warranted further investigation.
It wasn’t until she clicked the link about Lorne Patterson’s company, EduText, that she made the connection. A news report from two years prior showed Patterson at the ribbon-cutting of a brand-new charter school near Buffalo.