Happy Saturday! It’s almost the end of the school year. I can hardly believe that in a matter of weeks, my “baby” will have finished middle school. Since we’re in the final push before summer, this might be my last snippet for a while. I’ll have to see how things go due to a band competition and two recitals.
For today, I’m still snipping from Nightsong. Izzy and Val have now picked up their cargo (the dinosaur skeleton) from the creepy scientists and are on their way to the hospital with it. For some context, a yenta/yente is a busybody. Yente is the matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof. (Nightsong has a lot of references to opera and musical theater.) And yep, Izzy has two moms who are a couple.
“Did you get a seriously weird vibe from those people?”
“Oh, yeah.”
She shuddered. “Should I have stayed in back with our ‘patient’?”
“Nah. I’m sure it’s fine. Long as I drive carefully and don’t go flying over a pothole or something.”
She shrugged. “You’re probably right. So, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah—my skills as a matchmaker.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Yente,” Izzy said with a snort. “You’re worse than my mothers.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!