Happy Saturday! My big kid is back home from his trip to D.C., and we’re finally seeing Wicked this weekend. Even better, I was invited to go see Cabaret, too. In case it was not clear, I love musical theater of any kind. I grew up on everything from opera to Broadway. Come to think of it, I could find something I like in every single genre of music. Well, except perhaps old-school Muzak.
This is probably my last snippet of Pink in the Mirror. I was going to stop after last week, but the steamy scene got such a warm welcome that I thought I’d give you one last peek. I’m not sure what I’ll be snippeting next. Probably back to Nightsong, since it’s less than a month until it releases.
Something in Barbara let loose, and she shifted to tower over Dottie. She straddled Dottie and leaned down so their mouths were close. She shocked herself with the words that came out. “I want to ride you like my race car,” Barbara whispered.
Dottie’s mouth hung open, and she panted. “Oh—oh—yeah,” she gasped.
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Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!