Once again, I’m ridiculously excited to have a friend guest posting on my blog. Stacy’s one of those people who you just can’t help liking. She’s funny and sweet, and she’s an excellent writer. Her novel, Endless Days of Summer, is set to release in July. I loved her story, “New York Minute,” for Young Love, Old Hearts. Today, she’s going to talk about…Pokemon. Yes, you read that right.
by Stacy O’Steen
Pokemon. I know what you’re saying—I can hear it already but hear me out. Pokemon is about the need to collect a bunch of creatures to further your abilities and make you better equipped to handle what comes your way. Each Pokemon has a skill set and bring it’s own unique personality to the table. Even if you have two of the same type of Pokemon they wouldn’t be the same because they would have different personalities. Therefore, attached to someone’s Pokeball belt is a veritable smorgasbord of talent and ability.
That is what we have done here. Think of Young Love, Old Hearts as a Pokebelt and all the authors are compacted into their individual Pokeballs with laptops and wifi to bring you a variety of stories. Some will enlighten you, some will entice you and if you’re lucky you will walk away with a better understanding of something you didn’t know before. Every story contained within comes from people with varying degrees of experience. For some this is their first time in the arena, but they all came out fighting. So catch a copy before it’s gone, because you know Team Rocket is out to get them first.
Website: www.stacyosteen.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stacyosteenbooks
Twitter: @Torn_Treasure
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/StacyOSteen
Endless Days of Summer to be released July 1st
Young Love, Old Hearts
A Supposed Crimes Anthology
Editor: C. E. Case
Stories by: A. M. Leibowitz, Adrian J. Smith, Erin McRae & Racheline Maltese, Geonn Cannon, Helena Maeve, Kassandra Lea, Lela E. Buis, Ralph Greco Jr., & Stacy O’Steen
Everyone hears “He’s too young for you.” “She’s too old for you.” Not between these pages. This anthology crosses the age gap with nine enchanting stories of cross-generational relationships. Some are sweet, some are sexy, some are heartbreaking. One is downright murderous. The protagonists are gay men or women searching for true love or trying out what’s right in front of them.
Verso and Recto by Geonn Cannon
Discovering their mutual love of reading leads a literature student and her professor to take a step neither of them expected.
A Blizzard’s Blow by Adrian J. Smith
Lollie dashes from the house in the middle of a blizzard in search of something she’s not sure she’ll find, but she hopes to never again see the same cold, blank stare Kimberley gave her.
Slice by Ralph Greco Jr.
When Germane relinquishes her more-than-slight kinky relationship with Lila to begin a new one with younger A.J., she finds a flirty, fun and wholly different “Slice” of life opening up for her.
That December by Lela E. Buis
Celia finds that older women and the politics of genetic engineering aren’t what they seem.
The Arrangement by Helena Maeve
When he is summoned into his Dom’s study after a mutually satisfying scene, Cyril knows he’s in for something worse than the play they normally get up to.
New York Minute by Stacy O’Steen
Stuck in his depressing hometown for far too long, Colton jumps at the chance to return to his beloved New York City. But when some odd coincidences click into place, he needs to find the truth hidden in the lies.
The Artist as an Old Man by A. M. Leibowitz
1985 is a big year for Kenny Anderson. Sent to interview artist Aaron Rubenstein, making a grand reappearance after a three-year absence, Kenny digs beneath the surface to understand Aaron’s life—and maybe his own.
Adjunct Hell by Erin McRae & Racheline Maltese
Phil may be in his 50s, but he’s still a student, and the fact that Carl—who’s barely 30—is dating him would bad enough even if Carl wasn’t waiting for good news from the tenure committee.
Say You Do by Kassandra Lea
Keegan Bancroft is hoping to avoid a complete meltdown before his date. But there’s something he really wants to ask Richard.
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About the Publisher
Supposed Crimes, LLC publishes fiction and poetry primarily featuring lesbian characters and themes. The focus is on genre fiction–Westerns, Science Fiction, Horror, Action–rather than just romance. That’s how we set ourselves apart from our competitors. Our characters happen to love women and kick ass.
“Supposed crimes” refers to the idea that homosexuality is outlawed, and that our authors are being subversive by writing. As times change this becomes more tongue-in-cheek, but can still apply broadly to our culture. Christians writing lesbians and men writing lesbians are also subversive ideas in this industry, and we promote people bending the rules.
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