Howdy, all! Here is my first Notable News of 2013. Lots of good stuff this week. Enjoy!
1. The best post I’ve read all week
Dani Kelley writes with aching honesty about herself and her body image. This is a must-read for absolutely every person who has ever struggled. Okay, this one is actually from last week. But since I didn’t do a Notable News, I get a pass on not highlighting it until now. You all, on the other hand, have no excuse for not going and reading it this very minute.
2. Beauty and Hate
Seth Haines also delivers a big dose of honesty in his post about riding the bus, the beauty of kindness, and the ugliness of hate.
3. Meghan O’Keefe on victim blaming
In the ongoing discussion surrounding the rape of an Ohio teen, Ms. O’Keefe gives an articulate summary of what is wrong when people engage en masse in shaming the victim of assault. The best line from this post is,
Men and women alike can not excuse rapists behavior because the victim was “asking for it” because being raped literally means the victim was not asking for it.
It’s too bad we have the need for people like Ms. O’Keefe to write these words.
4. While we’re on the subject of victim blaming…
It starts early, this trend of blaming victims for what happens to them. This dreadful “study” that reveals that bullied kids have social issues is probably one of the worst pieces of crap and victim blaming on a non-rape subject. The recommendation seems to be to get bullied kids to act “normal” rather than making sure that the bullies learn how not to victimize kids that seem different to them. I don’t know, I kinda think that if we made sure that “socially awkward” kids felt safe, they might not need special lessons on their behavior.
5. John Piper comes across as an ass
Sigh. Just when I thought we might be making some progress, Piper has to open his mouth again in a bizarre and misguided attempt to clarify something stupid he said 4 years ago. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t make it better. But don’t take my word for it. Read this piece by Dianna Anderson and this one by Sarah Moon (who includes a link to the video).
6. Two excellent pieces on transphobia
I will admit my privilege here: I didn’t know that Suzanne Moore had made these remarks. Obviously, not only are these two posts informative, they remind me that I need to make sure that I’m aware of both the way I use language myself and the ways that often-ignored people have language used against them.
7. A great response to what horrifies us
In the wake of the tragic gang rape and death of the woman in India, this post is an excellent outpouring of the rage and grief we feel over human suffering.
8. A step forward in reconciliation
If it were up to me, there wouldn’t even be a debate anymore. LGBT people would be fully included in the life of every church, without any expectation that they would either remain celibate or change their orientation. I know that’s a long way off, though, so whenever I see movement in the right direction, I am hopeful. If you haven’t read it, take a look at this honest, generous post by Sammy Adebiyi. Then go read this one by Registered Runaway. I dare you to make it through without coming face-to-face with what grace really is.
9. Another honest story
For another perspective related to the above, read this beautiful piece by My Silent Half. If we could listen to each other, we might be able to move beyond debate and into grace. It’s going to take a lot of this kind of personal reflection for us to really hear what’s being said. Are you open?
That’s it, folks. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on the other side.