In this edition, I’m highlighting news related to Amendment 1 in North Carolina and the aftermath. Lots of great blog responses to the situation. And in other news: President Obama openly supports marriage equality!
1. Amendment 1 passes in North Carolina
The amendment, which defines marriage as solely between one man and one woman, passed on Tuesday. Because it also removed legal protection for other types of domestic unions, this could spell trouble for other relationships. Time will tell.
2. President Obama interviewed by Robin Roberts
In which the President confirms his support of marriage equality.
3. Awesome bloggers respond to the North Carolina vote and the President
Justin Lee of GCN gives this absolutely wonderful, grace-filled response, encouraging us to move beyond NC as a state full of hateful bigots.
Another inspired piece by Alise Wright, The Princess’s Dilemma, is a beautiful expression of why this hurts. My favorite line:
Attribution to my husband, who I got to fall in love with and marry without someone else voting on whether that was okay. [emphasis mine]
Nadia Bolz-Weber makes it personal in a post about a coffee house, a friend, and what it means that some people are told their love isn’t real.
Kathy Baldock expresses her outrage at the North Carolina vote and her support of President Obama’s statement.
Cheryl Contee gives some good advice in How to Talk to Your Christian Black Relatives About Obama & Same-Sex Marriage.
Rachel Held Evans is tired of the Culture War and tells us why.