Thank you for your review of my previous novel Addict (The Cassie Tam Files #1). I wanted to let you know that the sequel The Fox, The Dog and The King is releasing on 23rd July, and that I now have ARC copies available to send out. As you enjoyed Addict, I wondered if you would be interested in a copy of the sequel at all? The details for the book are as follows:
Genre: Lesfic / Crime Noir / Sci-Fi
Release Date: 23 July 2018
Publisher: NineStar Press
Length: 58,000 words approx.
Sex Content: N/A
Content Warnings: Some violence, some swearing
When PI Cassie Tam and her girlfriend Lori try to make up for their recent busy schedules with a night out at the theatre to watch the Tech Shift performer Kitsune, the last thing they expected was for Cassie to get a job offer. But some people are never off the clock, and by the end of the evening, Cassie has been drawn into a mundane but highly paid missing pet case. Unfortunately, in New Hopeland City, even something as simple as little lost dog can lead you down some dark paths. Until now, Cassie wasn’t aware that there even was a rabbit hole, let alone how far down it goes.
I can supply the book in mobi, epub and pdf format, so if you’re interested, just let me know what would be best for you.
I came across your site your website, and absolutely
loved it! The thing is, I write on topics very similar to those covered in
your blog and I already have a few ideas for a guest post in mind that
I’m sure will be interesting for your readers.
I was wondering, do you accept guest posts? If you do, are there any
guidelines for me to check out?
I’ll be happy to discuss any guest blogging opportunities with you!
Hi there, I noticed that you have guest post guidelines on your site. Before I go through the process I just want to make sure that you are still accepting guest post approaches. I’d like to invest some time writing a pitch/article for your readers over the next few days. Could you pop me a message back and let me know whether you are still taking will written guest posts.
Your site is an excellent resource related to the topics that we cover. We have noticed the persistence and the quality of content posted here.
We are working for several start-up companies that specializes in different niches. I think that your readers might be interested in knowing about such blog where they will find each information and guidance.
Is it alright if we send you an article that is related to your site’s theme? we will make sure that the content we will provide you would definitely match your website.
It would be such a pleasure to hear from you.
Thanks & Regards,
Outreach Manager
Raine Janssen
Captain Words
Request for advertising on
Hey There,
I really like your blog- and if you are agreeable, I’d like to include it in a database of websites I sent to my clients looking for guest posting opportunities.
However, I would need a bit more information from you first!
1. What is your editorial fee to post an article ?
2. What types of links are acceptable? Do-follow or no-follow ?
3. Are you OK with adult/gambling/marijuana links?
4.Do you add disclosures/sponsored tags or you can avoid this?
I will send payment via PayPal or another payment provider by special agreement.
In addition, if you manage any other websites I might be interested in – any language or niche – please send me the details, as above.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards,
Veselina Dzhingarova
I am currently working with a number of clients in placing guest blogs/sponsored articles on high-quality sites, such as yours. I recently came across your site and, after having a quick read through some of your more recent posts and articles, I think it’d be a great fit for some of the sorts of content campaigns that we frequently work on.
I work with a range of clients across different areas such as travel, beauty, finance, business, eco, food plus loads more. Would you be interested in working together on one of our future/upcoming content campaigns?
And what about the link insertion i.e adding our link to any of your existing articles?
Looking forward to hopefully working on a campaign together soon!
Dear A.M.,
Thank you for your review of my previous novel Addict (The Cassie Tam Files #1). I wanted to let you know that the sequel The Fox, The Dog and The King is releasing on 23rd July, and that I now have ARC copies available to send out. As you enjoyed Addict, I wondered if you would be interested in a copy of the sequel at all? The details for the book are as follows:
Genre: Lesfic / Crime Noir / Sci-Fi
Release Date: 23 July 2018
Publisher: NineStar Press
Length: 58,000 words approx.
Sex Content: N/A
Content Warnings: Some violence, some swearing
When PI Cassie Tam and her girlfriend Lori try to make up for their recent busy schedules with a night out at the theatre to watch the Tech Shift performer Kitsune, the last thing they expected was for Cassie to get a job offer. But some people are never off the clock, and by the end of the evening, Cassie has been drawn into a mundane but highly paid missing pet case. Unfortunately, in New Hopeland City, even something as simple as little lost dog can lead you down some dark paths. Until now, Cassie wasn’t aware that there even was a rabbit hole, let alone how far down it goes.
I can supply the book in mobi, epub and pdf format, so if you’re interested, just let me know what would be best for you.
Thank you for your time,
Matt Doyle
Dear owner,
I came across your site your website, and absolutely
loved it! The thing is, I write on topics very similar to those covered in
your blog and I already have a few ideas for a guest post in mind that
I’m sure will be interesting for your readers.
I was wondering, do you accept guest posts? If you do, are there any
guidelines for me to check out?
I’ll be happy to discuss any guest blogging opportunities with you!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,
Brandon D. Hawkins
Hi there, I noticed that you have guest post guidelines on your site. Before I go through the process I just want to make sure that you are still accepting guest post approaches. I’d like to invest some time writing a pitch/article for your readers over the next few days. Could you pop me a message back and let me know whether you are still taking will written guest posts.
Thanks very much, James (professional blogger)
Hello guys,
Your site is an excellent resource related to the topics that we cover. We have noticed the persistence and the quality of content posted here.
We are working for several start-up companies that specializes in different niches. I think that your readers might be interested in knowing about such blog where they will find each information and guidance.
Is it alright if we send you an article that is related to your site’s theme? we will make sure that the content we will provide you would definitely match your website.
It would be such a pleasure to hear from you.
Thanks & Regards,
Outreach Manager
Raine Janssen
Captain Words
Request for advertising on
Hey There,
I really like your blog- and if you are agreeable, I’d like to include it in a database of websites I sent to my clients looking for guest posting opportunities.
However, I would need a bit more information from you first!
1. What is your editorial fee to post an article ?
2. What types of links are acceptable? Do-follow or no-follow ?
3. Are you OK with adult/gambling/marijuana links?
4.Do you add disclosures/sponsored tags or you can avoid this?
I will send payment via PayPal or another payment provider by special agreement.
In addition, if you manage any other websites I might be interested in – any language or niche – please send me the details, as above.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards,
Veselina Dzhingarova
I hope you’re well!
I am currently working with a number of clients in placing guest blogs/sponsored articles on high-quality sites, such as yours. I recently came across your site and, after having a quick read through some of your more recent posts and articles, I think it’d be a great fit for some of the sorts of content campaigns that we frequently work on.
I work with a range of clients across different areas such as travel, beauty, finance, business, eco, food plus loads more. Would you be interested in working together on one of our future/upcoming content campaigns?
And what about the link insertion i.e adding our link to any of your existing articles?
Looking forward to hopefully working on a campaign together soon!