I wasn’t going to post today because I didn’t read anyone’s last week, and I was afraid it might go the same way this week too. But I’m taking the chance that I’ll be able to make the rounds. Meanwhile, don’t forget to check below to enter the giveaway. My New Year’s gift is free stuff from my catalog, so take advantage of it. 🙂
I’m in the middle of so many projects, it’s not even funny. I finished my paid editing job before Christmas, but I’m beta reading for three people as well as doing my own edits. I’m in the last stages of editing An Act of Devotion, after which I get to start working on Walking by Faith. And oh, my goodness…I can’t even tell you how excited I am to reconnect with Cat & company. Is it wrong that I miss my own character so much? Plus, I am over the moon because I’m lucky enough to have had one of my own favorite authors offer to process Cat’s story along with my other fabulous beta. This means a lot because Cat is so close to my heart, and I now I can be sure he’s in good hands. (There are other reasons why this is a Very Good Thing, but they are too spoilery to share yet.)
Anyway, on to the WIPpet. I’m not sure if this will be the last one with Adam and AJ or if I’ll do one more (after that it’s all Cat, all the time). So I thought you all might like a sweet kissy moment between them.
WIPmath: I’m not using math because tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and you’re supposed to kiss someone at midnight. This scene involves kissing. ‘Nuff said.
At Adam’s building, AJ pulled up to the door. “Thanks for coming with me.”
Adam nodded and exited the car. He started toward the door, but he paused and turned around. He circled the car to AJ’s side and motioned for him to roll down the window.
“I had a good time, even if it did get weird for a minute there.” He paused. “Did you want to come in?” he asked, sounding hopeful.
His meaning was clear, and AJ did want to go in. He wanted to let Adam do anything to erase the argument with Donny from his mind. But the desire to forget probably wasn’t the right reason. He wouldn’t be able to explain to Adam why he couldn’t spend the whole night, and once he left, he’d be back to thinking about Donny again.
AJ put his hand on Adam’s. “Not this time. I’ll see you this week to work on the health fair.” He wanted to let Adam know he hadn’t forgotten what he’d said after lunch the previous day. “We’ll talk then.”
Adam nodded. For a moment, it looked like he might pull his hand back and go inside, but instead, he leaned into the car. “Can I?” he asked.
“Can you what?”
“Kiss you.”
His hesitant tone and the way he chewed his lower lip was so unlike how he usually was that AJ inhaled sharply in surprise. It negated everything he’d mapped out about how their non-relationship was supposed to go. Yet when he locked eyes with Adam, it was all he could think about.
When he had recovered, he said, “I would like that.”
Adam bent closer, and AJ tilted his head. It was only a soft brush of their lips, but it was enough to make AJ sigh. Adam chuckled under his breath, and something about the sound relaxed AJ. He reached up and drew Adam closer so he could kiss him again. It was a bad idea, he knew, and if he didn’t stop, he would change his mind and go inside with Adam.
As though reading his thoughts, Adam withdrew, both from AJ’s lips and from his window. “I’ll stop by the health center this week,” he said. “See you.”
This time, he went straight into his building without even a glance back. It didn’t matter; AJ had what he needed to stop the endless loop of his fight with Donny. Maybe he would be able to sleep well after all. Slowly, he pulled out of the parking lot and headed for his own building.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!
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