Happy Saturday! We’re off on more adventures today, though not quite as busy as during the school year. My son’s jazz teacher is retiring, and today is his last performance with her at our city’s International Jazz Festival.
Other than that, I’m busily writing in a new project and getting ready for the September release of Minuet, the last part of my Notes from Boston series. (Trust me when I say I never, ever want to write another series!)
If anyone is interested in an ARC for review, let me know. These are the unfinished ones, so yep, there will be some mistakes. And if you need the previous ARCs to catch up, I’ve got those too. Just leave a comment or send me a message.
In preparation for the release, I’m introducing the main characters from the previous books over the next several weeks. Last time, we heard from Trevor, the Christian singer who wrote a “praise song” about blow jobs. Today, we meed the recipient of said blow job: Andre. He’s a computer techie who recently relocated back to Boston. In this snippet, his grandmother has an unusual gift for him.
“I have something for you, now that you’re back home.”
“What is it?”
“My old piano. The thing is sitting around collecting dust, and it’s high time you took it off my hands.”
Andre laughed. “I don’t play!” He sobered quickly. He hadn’t even touched his saxophone since Dahlia died.
Well, he may not play, but guess who he’s about to meet who does? 😉
*Note: In case it’s not clear, Andre is also bisexual. I write a lot of bi+ characters. **shrugs in bisexual**
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!