It’s Wednesday, and I’m back from vacation all ready to get this novel finished. The plan is to be done by the end of April. We’ll see how that goes. Right now, that’s the only goal I have. Life is moving fast at the moment, between preparing for our final orchestra concert of the year, state testing (story for another day), and the kids getting geared up for performance season (3 concerts, 2 dance recitals, 1 piano recital, and a local theater gala…whew!)
For today’s WIPpet, I’m taking you back to what Andre’s doing. The POV switches between them, so you’ll get a bit of both their stories before their worlds collide. Last time we saw Andre, he was frustrated with his job taking tech support calls. In today’s installment, he just might be getting a better offer.
WIPmath: Chapter 2, and it’s the 8th, so 2 x 8 = 16 paragraphs of dialog.
Andre answered his cell phone. “Hey, Julian.”
“Yo, man. Are you busy?” Julian’s warm tones came through the phone.
“Not particularly. Cross your fingers that I don’t get another damn call about our software not working right.”
“That good?” Julian chuckled. “Well, I think you’re gonna like the reason I’m calling you.”
“Uh huh. I could use some good news right about now.” He wondered if Julian was going to tell him news about Elisa, his wife, and her second pregnancy but decided Julian wouldn’t be that insensitive as to phone him at work about it.
“My company’s doing well,” Julian said, and there was a note of pride in his voice.
“I agree with you, that’s fantastic, but this has exactly what to do with interrupting me at work?”
“Thought you said you weren’t busy.”
Andre huffed into the phone. “I’m not. Look, I am happy for you. Can you make a point before I get in trouble for taking personal calls?”
“Sure. This isn’t a personal call, though. It’s business.” There was an obvious smirk in his tone.
“Oh, really?”
“Mm-hm. I’m looking to hire someone with experience in technical support who also knows something about web design and building Internet platforms.”
Andre sat up straighter. “You don’t say.” He’d been dabbling in a variety of web-based technologies for the last couple of years, taking the occasional freelance job, but he hadn’t built up enough clients to branch out on his own.
“Do I happen to know anyone who’s been my brother by choice for the last twenty years and might be looking for a new job?” Julian asked, his voice oozing sugar.
“You might,” Andre replied. “He might be very interested in the position. Would he need an interview?”
“He’s having one as we speak.”
Let’s hope Andre’s new job involves a lot less problem-solving for people like me.
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