In case you missed it, yesterday I shared my novel’s cover and the pre-order links. I also had a whole bunch of partners-in-crime to whom I’m grateful. Many of my blogger/author friends also shared my cover on their sites. It was a fantastic day, and I’m so glad to have such amazing people in my corner as I take this journey.
For the next month, I’m going to be featuring a whole lot of fun things here. I have guest posts lined up from many of my fellow writers. You’ll see a wide variety of writing, from short stories to passionate blog posts to authors talking about their paths to publication. I’m excited to be able to call these wonderful people my friends.
In addition, I’m going to continue to give you snippets of my current work-in-progress as well as book excerpts, teasers, and more. The month of October will conclude with a giveaway of an e-copy of my book. To be entered, all you have to do is leave a comment on one of my posts during pre-launch month and you’ll automatically be eligible (unless you specify otherwise).
On November 1, Lower Education makes its official debut! As that’s a Saturday, the Big Launch Party will be held on Nov. 3 over on my Facebook author page. “Like” my page so you can get updates and join the fun, including another drawing to win a print copy of the novel.
In November, I’m featuring a brand-new story for FREE each week (they will then be available for sale in my store). You won’t want to miss that. At the end of the month, I’ll post a piece of flash fiction in which the main characters of my novel appear.
This has been a heck of a ride. I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of my family, especially my husband and kids. There are so many people who made this possible, including:
- my fabulous beta readers, who painstakingly combed through my manuscript for errors and graciously agreed to beta the added scenes after my publisher asked for them
- the marvelous and talented Adrian J. Smith, who introduced me to her publisher and took a chance on me—both as a writer and as a friend
- the dozen bloggers who shared my cover reveal
- the writers of WIPpet Wednesday, who gave me the courage to share my work in public
- all my amazing friends who have come alongside me and encouraged me to keep writing—your messages have been like whispered words and a quiet press of hands in the dark, lighting the way for me
Without you all, none of this would ever have happened, and I will be forever grateful.
One last thing: Every Thursday in October, I’ll be answering questions. So if you have anything you want to ask me, go right ahead. I do mean anything, including random things you just want to know. Just post them in the comments on any of this month’s blog posts and I’ll answer everything. (Within reason, people! I can already see the evil gleam in some of your eyes.)
I hope you’ll all stick around for the next several weeks. Happy reading!