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Title: Let Me Just Say This
Author: B. Swangin Webster
Genre: Family drama
Length: 232 pages
Publisher: Intrigue Publishing LLC
Publication Date: August 1, 2014 (first edition January 12, 2009)
Cheryl Goldman is a stay-at-home mother of two: a boy, and a girl. Her husband, Kevin, is a successful businessman who owns his own marketing firm. From the outside, all looks perfect. Too perfect, perhaps. When we scratch the surface, we find Cheryl wearing too much makeup on some days and rather overlarge shades that make her look every bit the fierce diva. Yet, she’s not.
Cheryl allows the unthinkable to happen more and more in her life. Her children watch her. Her BFF watches her. Her parents watch her. Yet, no one steps in…not even Cheryl speaks up for herself. Her daughter is disgusted. Her son is angry at both of his parents. Her father knows Cheryl’s not trying to make any waves. Cheryl’s mother? Thinks the world rises and sets on Kevin.
Will Cheryl wake up and realize she shouldn’t be the object of abuse because someone else is having a rough go of it? Will her children forgive her? Or, simply walk away from it all?
Go behind the scenes of this upper middle-class African-American successful family and see how the foundation of things was set and how it all slowly unraveled.
A pair of disclaimers: First, I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review and a stop on the blog tour. I love promoting the work of other authors, so I was happy to pitch in. Second, I’m not an expert on urban fiction, nor am I a Black woman. I can’t speak to either of those things from personal experience, and anything I say from here on out should be read with that in mind.
This is a really absorbing story and a raw, painful look inside the world of a woman who is beaten down by life (and literally beaten by her husband). It provides a glimpse into the many reasons someone might stay in such a situation. The characters, even the abusive husband, are complex and deep. They are what make this story worth reading.
What especially stood out to me was that while Kevin’s horrific treatment of Cheryl is never glossed over, he’s not one-dimensional. For whatever reason, he isn’t capable of being the man Cheryl needs, but he doesn’t appear to have the same issue with the woman he’s been seeing behind her back. It’s easy to paint men like Kevin with a broad brush and assume they will behave the same way in every situation, but that’s often not the case, and I loved that nuance even while hating what he did to Cheryl.
Cheryl, too, is complicated. Once again, it would be easy to see her as a victim and a pushover, wondering why she hadn’t left Kevin years before. But she’s strong, a survivor, and we see glimpses of that throughout. She frequently stands up to Kevin, even when it leaves her more broken than she was before. She knows in her head she deserves better, but her heart needs to catch up. Although I know the story continues in the next part, I think this one ended perfectly with Cheryl’s realization about what she needs.
The secondary characters were also fantastic. Dee is the kind of friend every person needs, and I adored her from the first time she appeared. Rebecca, who would be so easy to paint as a villain, was actually likable. I found myself wanting to know more about Cheryl’s kids, too, and more about her high school life and relationships, of which we only had glimpses.
This is a novel worth taking the time to read. Although it’s written for and about a particular kind of experience, there are some good universal talking points, and I guarantee many readers (especially women) will be able to relate to and understand the challenges presented here.
For complex characters, deep themes, and family drama that feels real enough to hurt, I give this 8/10 fountain pens.
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B. Swangin Webster is the mother of five grown children and the “Nina” of nine grandchildren. She continues to write because if she didn’t, she believes she would stop breathing. Live Life with passion is her motto. This is something she does every day.
She has recently embarked on an additional career as a radio talk show host on WLVS Radio: Radio You Can Watch. She has become one of their leading hostesses.
When B. Swangin Webster isn’t writing, you can find her reading one of her 300+ novels. Or, taking cooking classes. When she isn’t doing either of the above, you will find her at grandchildren’s football games, or watching her favorite football team: The Dallas Cowboys (who, unfortunately, are not playing in the SuperBowl).
A key factoid to note. B. Swagin Webster loves shoes that are 5” high, or taller. She wears a smokin’ hot pair each and every day!
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Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
Yes, I had a high school assignment and thought here is my chance to write a great story. Bad thing was it was only supposed to be one page. Mine was 8 pages and the teacher was NOT impressed. She loved the writing but failed the paper because “I didn’t follow directions.” But at the bottom she told me I had a great narrative and should finish the book and I did. But the book didn’t get published until now. More than 20+ years AFTER the initial paper was written.
What inspires you to write and why?
I don’t think I could live if I couldn’t write. It’s an obsession. Some people smoke, I write. Same thing…if I stop writing, I’ll probably gain 50 pounds! SO I have to keep writing.
Who or what influenced your writing once you began?
E. Lynn Harris was a big influence. He wrote about things that people didn’t want to talk about. He wrote about things that people didn’t want to see in the main stream but the public loved it! And I figured I should be able to do
Who or what influenced your writing over the years?
What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general?
The most challenging this about writing for me; is not to let other characters take over. I have a really bad habit of writing one book when in walks someone from someplace else that says, “Look can you hurry up, you need to write my story.” Who am I to not do that? So as soon as there is a break or my ‘current’ character goes on vacation, I call up the new character and begin their story.
How did you come up with the title?
The title is something I always say and one day at my ‘regular’ job; I said it and the secretary said, “if you ever write a book, that has GOT to be the name.” Thanks Crystal Hall for that.
Can you tell us about your main character?
My main character is Cheryl. A woman who suffers from low self-worth who marries a man that was knight in shining armor until he took the armor off and she found out that he was the devil on earth. She allows her ‘dreams’ of happily ever after to take over her ability to leave behind what is NOT good for her.
How did you develop your plot and characters?
Honestly I didn’t really develop the characters or plot. They kind of grew organically. I sat down and just started writing and the story merged from that.
What do you look for in a cover?
I want the book cover to tell the story but not the main story. I want it to give a glimpse into what the story ‘could’ be about.
What genre of books do you read, or do you stick with the genre you write in?
I read everything from cozy mysteries to dark thrillers. I never want to be a one trick pony! Now remember this is only my opinion. If I only read what I write, my craft would suffer. But you can’t limit yourself in your writing because main stream is not limited in what they are reading; why should I limit myself in my writing.
Are you a pantser or plotter?
PANSTER all the way. I tried doing an outline once and I swear I was pulling out my hair trying to keep it on the line that I had created. When I just ‘free’ write, the story grows into itself and then I go back and fix what is needed when I’m done.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
I don’t HAVE to travel but I LOVE to travel. I will travel where ever a reader of mine wants me to. I have been to at least six cities while promoting my novels and can’t wait to travel more.
Have you ever considered anyone a mentor?
Yes, my mentor was E. Lynn Harris. I my book was first published; I wrote him an email and he answered it. I still have it to this day. The best thing he told me was , “Congrats and welcome to my world. You have been given the most precious gift and you should make sure to always use that gift. No matter what someone tells you; it is your gift.” And he gave me his phone number and we chatted for about three months, every Saturday morning. When I found out that he had died, it crushed me! I couldn’t function because it was like I had lost a best friend, even though we never met; we became friends via phone.
What projects can we expect from you in the future?
Currently I am working on a romance and a mystery. I love both of them and during the recent “Jonas” snowstorm, I began writing a book about an unconventional relationship. I am loving the way it is turning out.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I WILL be a full time writer. Playing with my grandchildren and buying shoes! I will also have a full time radio show! Yep; that’s the plan
How do you deal with rejection letters?
I neatly place them by date of rejection into a 3 ring binder and every time I get another sale; I look at them and smile. You know the saying…revenge is best served cold…or something like that.
Are there any new authors that have sparked your interest and why?
What are some of the best tools available today for writers, especially those just starting out?
The best tools available are going to conferences. It amazes me the number of authors that don’t go to these conferences. They think that we just sit home and churn out books. Just like dentists, lawyers and doctors have to continue their education by staying on top of the latest technology; so do authors. We are doing ourselves a dis-service by sitting behind a computer and not getting out there and meeting the authors that are doing it well. You can learn a lot from a NY Times best seller but you won’t learn it if you never go out to meet them.
What do you believe contributes to making a writer successful?
Your writing space: neat or messy?
My space is neat. I have turned a small closet; into a cute little reading/writing space. So it has to stay neat or something might get lost.