It’s going to be a short one today. I have far too much going on this week, including my son’s saxophone lesson and going early to my kids’ dance camp to see their mini-performance. Still, there’s some good stuff in here.
1. To read or not to read?
Why do people stop reading books? This is an interesting summary of the books people abandoned and why. I admit to having read most of the books mentioned, and I felt pretty much the same as the people who didn’t finish them (except for Lord of the Rings). Most of the time, if I don’t finish a book, it’s because it’s so dull I can’t keep my eyes open, I’ve gotten distracted by another book, or I’m having a particularly busy season and I’m not reading much. Otherwise, if I start it, I finish it.
2. Speaking of reading…
Here’s an interview with author Adrian J. Smith. I’ve had the privilege to work with her as a beta reader, and I love her first novel. Her greatest strength as an author is creating memorable characters to whom readers can relate.
3. More on being “deeply broken”
I still disagree with the theology behind the concept of “brokenness”; it’s far too close to the Calvinist doctrine of total depravity for my liking. But it’s true that existing among humans is a messy proposition, so I understand where Zach Hoag is coming from on this one. If this post helps further the dialogue about sin, grace, and how we navigate this thing called faith, then so much the better.
4. On a lighter note regarding brokenness
Turnabout’s fair play; David linked to my post, so I’m linking to his cartoon. I did tell him I think maybe my daughter really did come out this way, but I believe that to be a good thing. It just means she’s not going to take crap from anyone.
Have a great weekend, everyone. I’m off to finish some editing and get ready to record my kids’ dance performance this afternoon. Catch you all next week!