Happy Saturday! I have’t posted in a couple weeks because it’s been so busy. Welcome to life with teenagers. Today, Kid 1 is at a cross-country meet, and Kid 2 is at rehearsal for the middle school musical. And I’m just here with my coffee and my keyboard.
It’s rainy and yucky out, so I thought I’d choose a snippet today that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. If you don’t care for babies in LGBTQ+ stories, you may want to skip this one. If you don’t mind them, though, this is one of my favorite bits. A little over the 6 sentences, but it’s mostly dialog.
“I—” he began, stopping when all heads turned toward him, including Aidan’s. “I could watch him.”
Marlie and Andre exchanged a glance then both looked at Trevor. Jamie’s whole head was hot. He felt exposed, embarrassed for having said anything and worried about what everyone else was thinking. The silence went on so long it became awkward.
Mack finally moved. He butt-scooched over to Jamie, plucked Aiden from his lap, and said to him, “You want Uncle Jamie to babysit you, huh?”
Aidan put out his pudgy hand and patted Mack’s face before blowing a nice, juicy drool bubble right at his chin. Mack groaned, Aidan giggled, and the tension was finally broken. Mack lasted another fifteen seconds before he hurried to hand Aidan to Marlie so he could wipe his face.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!