Happy Saturday! Hope all is well with everyone. Our trip last weekend was wonderful. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a full 7 days since we first met some dear friends and colleagues in person for the first time.
Before I get to my snippet, I have a maybe odd request. I have to make a decision about a story that’s currently a 25k novella. I can either leave it as-is and include it in an upcoming anthology, or I can make it a full-length novel. The publisher is okay with either, but I’m finding the decision impossible. It’s not even remotely a romance; it’s YA set in the early 1990s. If anyone wants to have a look, let me know. I do NOT need a full beta read, just a more objective opinion on whether to make it longer or not.
My snippet is still from Keeping the Faith. I doubt it will actually win at the Bisexual Book Awards, but I’m thrilled just to have it be a finalist. This is probably the novel I’m most proud of. It’s a very personal story, and it’s amazing to have my hard work recognized in any sense.
In this snippet, Micha’s found some letters written by his dead spouse in the months before his death. He’s opening the first one.
Micah opened the first letter. Inside, he found the key to the lock box and a folded piece of paper. He withdrew both and set the key on top of the box. Slowly, he unfolded the letter and read the greeting. He only got as far as Dearest Micah when he let the paper fall from his fingers. His immediate urge was to shove it back into the envelope and never open it again nor any of the others.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!