Happy Saturday! I’m counting down the weeks until my next release, the final installment of my Notes from Boston series. It’s down to about 7 weeks now!
With that in mind, I’ve been snipping from the previous books to introduce everyone to the main characters of the series. It’s funny, this definitely didn’t go the direction I was imagining. I’d had it all outlined at the beginning, but the stories refused to go the way I’d planned. So overall, this is a very bisexual, polyamorous series.
Except for the one I’m snipping from today.
Nightsong (book 2) is the only one with a monogamous couple at its center. I had to search for an appropriate snippet that wouldn’t give too much away. This is a journey about self-acceptance and facing serious health issues and two people learning to rely on each other through that.
But first, one of the MCs needs to break up with someone who isn’t so good for him.
“I wasn’t thinking this had to be some forever thing.” Rocco shook Nate’s hand off and went back to buttoning.
“Maybe you weren’t, but that’s what I need to be able to hope for when I’m seeing someone.” He paused and waited to feel angry or sad. Instead, he was disappointed, and only in himself for not seeing it sooner. “You’re not ready for anything else, which is fine. Maybe if I were in love with you, I could wait, but I’m not. One day, you’ll find someone who is willing. It just won’t be me.”
Rocco sat down on the edge of the bed, and Nate joined him. “So, where does this leave us?”
“Hopefully parting on better terms than in high school. I do wish you well.” Nate kissed his cheek.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!