Why, hello there, Wednesday! You sure crept up fast. The last week has been a blur. This is our busy time of year, so most of my energy goes to remembering who needs to be where on what days so we don’t miss any dress rehearsals or performances. I’ll be lucky if I remember my own name come mid-June.
Meanwhile, I’m back to editing Lower Education (I think the title is sticking, at least for now). I have several significant changes to make, none of which really impact the plot but all of which will make it by far a better story. I’m not quite ready to talk about why I’ve reverted to an older story, but I’ll fill everyone in on the details when I can. That means I won’t have as much time to devote to Cat and Micah. Not because I don’t have time but because I need to go back to being in Phin’s head for a bit, which makes it harder to write other perspectives.
Anyway, in honor of that, I thought you might enjoy this tasty tidbit. I’m backtracking a little; this takes place before Micah arrives at the lake house. It may or may not stay in the story, but when I wrote it, I couldn’t resist throwing it in there. My math is non-existent; you get 5 sentences for the 5th month because I had to make this fit somehow.
It didn’t help that the final days of the school year were marred by visits from the good folks at District Office and some consultant the school had hired to “fix” their academic slump before it became a serious problem. The entire fifth grade team was hauled into a meeting to listen to the consultant rattle off a string of suggestions for improvement. Micah noted that the man they’d hired was reasonably attractive—and had a nice ass—which meant he could look like he was paying rapt attention if the meeting was dull. As it turned out, the consultant was competent and his improvement plan was not only interesting but manageable. On the down side, he had clearly caught Micah looking because on his way out, he gave Micah a sly look and half a smirk.
Someone obviously still thinks pretty highly of himself.
As always, thanks to K. L. Schwengel for hosting. Link up with us here, and be sure to read and comment on the other entries. Happy writing!