Happy Saturday! My sweet girl is 11 years old today. She got her first phone, and she’s been having fun calling us—even though we’re all inside the house. Meanwhile, my other kid showed what a great big brother he is by posting the nicest message for her on his brand-new Facebook page (he just turned 13 last Monday).
Here’s this week’s snippet, still from Nightsong. I missed last week because we were on vacation. This is the last bit of snark between Nate and Del; I’ll move on next week. This is a bit longer than 6 sentences—instead, it’s 6 exchanges of dialog.
“First of all,” Nate said, turning around again, “don’t call me bitchy. You know how I feel about that word. Second, my stress has nothing to do with my lack of sex, thank you very much.”
Del huffed. “I get that you’re a tortured artist and all, but I really do think you need to relieve all that pent-up tension.”
“Why? Are you offering?” Nate sneered at him.
“Oh, honey, you could not handle me,” Del replied, his voice smooth as butter. “I’m so not your type. Take it from me, though. You’ll feel a lot better once you blow off some steam. No one can go this long without it building up.”
“Not all of us are like you,” Nate snapped. At Del’s hurt expression, he relented. “I’m sorry. Listen, I know you mean well, but I don’t need a man to make my life better. What I need is to get my own shit together and focus on work. After the holiday production, I’ll have a break to deal with my personal relationship crises. Okay?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll leave you to it.” Del stretched, scratched his stomach, and flounced out of the room.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!