Happy Saturday! I spent my morning watching my son and his team run their second cross-country meet. I’m not a runner myself, but I love watching these events. Everyone cheers for everyone, regardless of what school they’re from, and it’s exciting to watch the kids finish, especially if they achieve a personal best time.
Meanwhile, I’m nearly up to 600 likes on my Facebook author page. When I hit 600, I’m doing a giveaway. Two people will win a copy of any book from my backlist. Also, I will celebrate by making an Official Torso-ified Cover of a Stephen King novel. Be sure to like my page and vote in the poll if you’d like to see this happen. (For those not in the know, a fellow author, C.H. Clepitt, and I decided everything can be improved with a naked torso. We made covers and new blurbs for lots of classic literature.)
I’m snipping again from Drumbeat, my recent release. We met Jamie last week, and now it’s time to meet Cian through Jamie’s eyes.
The dance and the costumes had an ethereal quality which evoked images of woods and the fair folk. The dancers all had on some kind of green makeup which caught the light and shimmered. Cian’s midnight-black hair was slicked back, and he had a green mask covering the top half of his face. That was just about all he had covered, aside from a small, tight pair of green shorts. He wasn’t tall and reedy like some dancers. He was shorter, muscular and broad rather than slim—almost stocky. He made faeries seem powerful and majestic rather than prim and delicate.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!