Happy Saturday! Last weekend of spring break. I feel bad that I didn’t end up getting to read everyone’s snippets last time. The day got away from me, even though it was supposed to be quiet.
Speaking of quiet…this week certainly wasn’t! Both kids were home, and almost every day had one or another (or multiple) of their friends over. Our house is pretty small, so it was a bit intense. Even so, I did manage to get some work done. I finished accepting/rejecting stories for the anthology with my publisher, and I started working on a new short story for a different anthology.
This week, I’m going back to “Ashes & Alms,” my over-age-50 story about a former missionary attending a reunion. Last time, Jo called Annie and agreed to go. This time, Jo is discussing a lot of things over coffee with her elderly mother.
“Coffee?” Jo’s mother offered.
“Sure.” She needed the caffeine, even if the only option was Mom’s weak instant grounds.
Mom set the steaming cup on the table in front of Jo, along with the cream pitcher—filled with skim milk—and the artificial sugar. Jo eyed the items and decided she’d rather drink it black.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!