Happy Wednesday! I’m over the moon today because it’s “book birthday” for Keeping the Faith! You can now buy it (link in sidebar). Or you can visit some blogs for the next 5 days to read an excerpt and enter a giveaway.
In other exciting news, I don’t think I’m quite done writing in that world yet. But it’ll be a different format. I’m going back to my love for short stories, and I’m going to set a few things in the same small town where Micah & co. live. Familiar faces may show up in the stories, but there will mostly be new folks. I did realize last night that I introduced a handful of minor characters who might need to have their stories told. As for Micah, Cat, and the rest, I think their story is really, truly done now.
I’m continuing to snippet from my new WIP, Tree of Life. I don’t have a whole lot written—just the first couple of chapters, which set up the events. So I may switch between this one and my other WIP, Minuet (Notes from Boston #4). This follows directly from last week, where AJ asked if Luke was coming to the wedding.
WIPmath: 11/1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 paragraphs
“Are you coming?”
He wants to say no. It will be almost unbearable, seeing them all again, having to sit through dinner with every one of his former group talking about how successful they are now. Their tidy lives in their suburban developments, all reminding him what a screw-up he is. Then they’ll feel sorry for him, working long hours at a greasy burger-and-dogs joint to pay his half of the rent on their shithole apartment. The one they only keep heated because he and Jax sometimes do odd jobs for the landlord when he can’t be bothered.
Luke should tell AJ he isn’t going, that he has something else or can’t take time off or any one of the many excuses at his disposal. Instead, his mouth reacts before his brain and he hears himself say, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Wrayburn for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!