Welcome, Wednesday! It’s officially the first day of summer vacation. We’ll see how much I actually get done with two kids home full-time for the next couple of months.
As promised, here is the video from the dress rehearsal of their Irish dance recital. This is there hard shoe dance. I’ll try to get their dance drama posted before next week if I’m not too busy breaking up fights. My son is the taller boy, all the way on the left. My daughter is the one next to the other boy. Their studio is the only non-competitive one in the area (that’s a whole other story).
On to this week’s WIPpet.
We’re back with Trevor and Andre because I’m not ready to switch over yet. (I know! I know! I promise more Cat for you when I’m done with all the edits for Anthem, but it’s tricky due to spoilers.) You may recall we left our guys deciding “not here” in the middle of the dance floor. As you can see from the snippet below, they clearly found somewhere to go. It probably wasn’t their best option, and there will be consequences neither of them intended.
WIPmath: 24th = 2 + 4 = 6 (- 1 because it’s the first day of summer vacation) = 5 paragraphs
Leaning in, Andre kissed Trey full on the mouth. Trey hummed against his lips, returning the light, tender embrace. Andre withdrew and gave Trey a peck on the cheek. The blush was back, but the look of ecstasy on Trey’s face slid away when their eyes met, replaced by panic. He began breathing rapidly again, but it was clearly no longer from pleasure. Fumbling a little, he tucked himself away and zipped his fly.
“You okay?” Andre asked, touching Trey’s trembling hand.
Trey shook his head and pulled his arm away. “I have to go,” he mumbled.
He yanked at the latch on the door and finally managed to get it open, nearly banging it into Andre’s nose on the way out. Andre hurriedly dragged his jeans back up and rushed after Trey. It was obvious the poor guy didn’t know how he felt about what they’d just done, and Andre didn’t want to leave things that way. By the time he got out into the hallway, there was no sign of Trey.
Andre leaned against the wall and blew out his breath. His pocket vibrated, and he pulled out his phone. It was a text from Julian asking where he was and how things had gone with “that blond hottie.” Andre ran a hand over his face before sending a text back saying, “I’ll give you your five dollars in the morning.” He shoved his phone back in his pocket and closed his eyes, knowing he would have to endure Julian’s questions the entire train ride home. Huffing, he pushed off the wall and walked slowly out of the hallway.
Like what you read? There are more awesome entries here, thanks to K. L. Schwengel providing this space for us. If you want to add your own, post a bit of your work-in-progress, connect it to the date, and add the link. We do this every Wednesday. Happy reading and writing!