Hooray! It’s Wednesday! Time for a new WIPpet and ROW80 check-in.
My goals:
- Write one hour/day in Passing on Faith √ The plot bunny still won’t leave me alone, but I used it to my advantage to work out a key plot point. So, win.
- Read 30 minutes/day √ Haven’t missed any since last check-in.
- Write one blog post/week other than WIPpet/ROW80 √ Yep, posted it on Monday.
I’m skipping my Sunday post because we are going to Cooperstown for the Hall of Fame inductions. That’s going to derail my goals for the weekend as well. I’ll still get my reading in, but no writing and probably no extra blog post next week, since I’ll be catching up and the kids will be done with camp.
I admit I’m struggling with this novel. I’m over halfway through, and this is the point where my last one hit a bump, too. I began having it beta read in order to overcome the slump, but I’m not at that point with this one for a number of reasons. Consequently, today’s snippet is a little dull. I’m just posting what comes immediately after last week’s. Part of the problem is that I don’t want to reveal too much too soon, and some things I’m not sure about revealing at all. This damn story has too many potential spoilers!
Boring math, too: 7 + 2 + 3 = 12 paragraphs. Sigh.
Cat’s eyebrows shot up, but he didn’t ask for more information. Instead, he looked around. “This place is a dump.”
“Tell me about it,” Micah grumbled. “That’s part of the problem. It’s truly not livable. I have to go back to town and get a hotel room until I’ve cleaned out most of what’s in here.”
“You want some help?”
“With what, finding a room? I’m an adult. I think I can manage.”
Cat rolled his eyes. “No. I meant fixing this place. I’m actually pretty handy with a trash bin, and I know just about everyone in town. We’ll get your house in shape.”
Micah desperately wanted an excuse to say no. He wasn’t anxious to get acquainted with the locals, nor was he interested in being indebted to Cat for his help. On the other hand, he had no idea what he was doing. If Cat—or anyone else, for that matter—could assist him, he might be able to get the house ready by the end of summer.
He found himself saying, “All right.”
“Good.” Cat stood up. “Let me make a few calls, and I’ll tell you what I’ve got. We can at least figure out what needs to be fixed.” He cringed a little. “Um, can I have my glass back?”
Micah laughed. “Sure.” He drained the last of the lemonade and handed Cat the glass. “I’d wash it for you, but I’m not sure what would come out of the tap.”
“No problem. See you around?”
“Yeah.” Micah offered a real smile this time, and Cat returned it.
Maybe, just maybe, he could get through the summer after all.
I’ll try to find something a bit more interesting for next time. If you want to read some less dull entries than mine, go here. Feel free to add your own, associated with the date however you choose. Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for hosting, as always. Happy writing!