Happy Wednesday! The weather may be yucky, but it’s warm and cozy inside. I baked cookies last night (snickerdoodles, in case you wondered). Lemme tell you, that’s a big deal. I won’t go into it much here, but last year was…bad, and I didn’t realize it because it happened so gradually. Emerging from that dark place has been just as gradual, so much that I didn’t realize it until I started getting back the joy of doing things I used to love, like baking. I’m still at the mercy of fibro fatigue, but it’s easier to manage.
The only reason I’m saying anything is that my blog is public, and I’m hoping if someone else is reading they’ll know they’re not alone. I don’t think we let ourselves acknowledge when something is wrong. For me, I usually don’t want to take up other people’s time and space, especially knowing they may have their own things to deal with. Yet somehow, this doesn’t work in reverse—I don’t feel like other people are taking up my time or space. Funny how the mind works.
Anyway, on to my WIPpet. Getting to about the halfway mark editing Keeping the Faith, and it’s going well. The story sort of ended up going a direction I hadn’t planned, and that’s okay. It just means I have to rework some scenes I’d written previously. I’m posting the bit that comes right after last week’s. (On Saturdays, I’ve been posting from later in the same chapter.) Micah’s visiting with LR. Warning for a swear I chose not to edit out for this post.
WIPmath: 1/18 = 1 + 1 + 8 = 10 short paragraphs.
“He asked me to empty my life of him so I wouldn’t waste my time in mourning.” Micah allowed exactly one tear to escape before furiously brushing at his eyes.
“My brother was an absolute ass sometimes,” LR remarked, shaking her head. “How could he ask you to do that?”
“He knew me better than anyone, and I think he might have been right. He didn’t say I should get rid of pictures or things he gave me. He wanted me not to keep all his things around, looking at them all the time and losing myself in grief. Even you remember what I was like the summer we met.”
“I do,” LR confirmed. “But you’ve come a long way since then.”
“I know.” He clenched his teeth as though that might help him shove his overflowing emotions back where they belonged. “I found some of his medical tubing, and I almost lost it. Stupid shit like that keeps popping up.”
“It’s not stupid, Micah. It happens to me too, all the time.” She put her arms around him and squeezed. After a moment, she said, “I think I have an idea.”
“Oh?” Micah pulled away.
“Yeah. You know that new community center they remodeled?”
“Of course.”
“I know a couple of people who are coordinating volunteers to teach some classes. How about I give them a call? They can contact you with whatever they need, and maybe you can help out. That’ll give you something to focus on for a while.” She smiled. “It’s something Cat would’ve loved.”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!