Happy Wednesday! Late again, this time because I nearly forgot. I don’t even have a good excuse this time.
Progress is now steady on the novel. I’m just past the halfway mark, so I’m on track to finish up by the end of next week with the first draft. After that, I’ll be editing and sending chapters to betas. Once I have that going, it will be time to start on my next project, which I’m pretty excited about. It’s quite a departure from what I’ve been writing.
On to the WIPpet. Once again, it’s directly after last week’s. The Boyfriend went from argumentative to “sweetly” persuasive. Now he’s moved on to strategy #3. Some non-consensual touching and an ignored “no” this time, but it doesn’t go any farther than that.
WIPmath: 7/20/2016 = 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 18 paragraphs
He moved one hand down to Jamie’s hip then slowly inched his fingers farther in until they rested on Jamie’s crotch. Jamie flinched, but his muttered, “Stop it” went unheeded.
Nate hated getting in the middle, but once Jamie’s no had been disrespected, he couldn’t help it. “Hey, Jay?” he called, moving closer to them.
The other two fell silent. Jamie cleared his throat and responded, “Yeah?” as he turned toward Nate.
“Want to come help me in the kitchen for a sec?”
Jamie started to step out of the hallway, but The Boyfriend caught his arm. “Where do you think you’re going? We’re not done.”
“I’m going to help Nate like he asked.” Jamie jerked his arm away.
He entered the kitchen and wiped his face on his sleeve. His cheeks were blotchy and his eyes were bright, but he looked all right otherwise. Nate wouldn’t have put it past The Boyfriend to hit Jamie, though he hadn’t seen him do it yet. He held out the bag of groceries and leaned in as though he were discussing the cream cheese.
“Are you all right?” he asked, low.
“It’s nothing, okay?” Jamie sighed. “But thanks for getting me out of there.”
“Want to tell me what that was about?”
Jamie shrugged and stepped around Nate to open the fridge. He glanced over his shoulder and leaned closer. “Not now.”
Nate nodded and put the last few items away. He tossed the reusable bag into a drawer and stalked over to The Boyfriend. Nate towered over him, and he wasn’t afraid to use his height to his advantage in this situation. The Boyfriend shrank back a bit, though he was still scowling.
“Probably a good idea to leave,” Nate said.
“Not without him.” The Boyfriend nodded at Jamie. “He’s coming with me like he promised.”
“Hell, no,” Nate told him. “Didn’t sound like he promised you anything.” He crossed his arms and stared down at The Boyfriend.
The Boyfriend gave a whining huff and flounced out, pulling the door shut with force behind him.
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