I feel so out of the loop! I haven’t done a WIPpet in over a month. We had a rough start to the new school year, and it’s taken a lot of time to regroup. I’m hoping to stick around now that it looks like things are under better control.
For NaNoWriMo, I’m finally back to working on An Act of Devotion. It’s fairly close to done—probably not more than about 20k to go, since I don’t intend this to be a long novel. I’m finishing this up instead of starting a whole new project. After that, my reward is getting to work on edits for the novel I wrote last spring and set aside to finish the other two projects.
Today, I’m backtracking from the last part I shared (though it’s been so long I doubt it matters). I’ve already shared from Adam’s POV, so here’s the other MC, AJ. He’s a graduate student working in the campus health center, and he’s talking to the other graduate assistant about some campus programs.
WIPmath: 11 paragraphs for 11/11.
AJ watched Adam walk out of the campus health center then waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone for good. He’d rarely met anyone with such an entitled attitude. It made no difference that he was also ridiculously adorable. If he hadn’t been so damn self-righteous and smug, AJ would have liked to get to know him better.
Carrie interrupted his brain trail. “Do we still have all those laminated recipe cards for non-alcoholic cocktails?” she called from up front.
AJ straightened his back and stood up from where he’d been crouched. “I think so. Try the stock room, cabinet on the left. They’re probably in the box on the bottom. What do you need them for?”
She appeared in the doorway. “My curriculum development professor is having us run a mini program in the residence halls to practice before the health fair. We took a class survey, and most of us wanted to do it on alcohol consumption. We’re using the mocktails as a jumping off point.” She stepped past AJ and into the stock room.
“Do you need other stuff, too?” he asked. “There’s a bunch of good materials.”
Carrie emerged with the laminated cards in hand. “For the fair, yeah. I’ll want the beer glasses and the dick model.”
AJ snickered. “I should find the guy I gave the glow-condoms to. He didn’t want them after all. You could use them for the demonstration instead of wasting decent ones.”
“Oh, those are the worst!” Carrie said then clapped a hand over her mouth. She slowly lowered her fingers. “Not that I would know, of course.”
“Of course,” AJ said. “They’d be fine for the demo, though. I doubt Drive Shaft cares what you put on him.”
“Drive Shaft is always up for anything.” Carrie grinned. “Speaking of things being up, what was with Condom Man, anyway?”
AJ shrugged. “He wanted to exchange the ones I gave him. Besides the glow ones, I may have given him a random assortment he wasn’t pleased with.” At Carrie’s raised eyebrows, he said, “What? He deserved it. He was being an ass.”
Like what you read? Have a look at the other WIPpet entries here, and feel free to add your own. WIPpet Wednesday was started by K. L. Schwengel. I was sorry to learn she’s stepping down from her admin duties, but it sounds like she’s leaving us in the capable hands of Emily Witt. Here’s to the next chapter for our bloggy community. Happy reading and writing!