Happy Wednesday! Excuse my cranky mood. In the last week, we’ve had 4 days off from school, a wind storm, and a giant snowstorm. I’m used to spending most of my day alone and having plenty of time to work. Only one out of the last 7 days has been a work day for me, and I’m going bananas.
Meanwhile, I did at least get some things accomplished. I finished going over the print proof for Nightsong, which is out in May. Confession: I hate going back over my novels before release. There are so many things I’m second-guessing, especially in this one because there’s a sensitive subject involved. And of course, I’m flipping out that the several reviewers who have taken it will hate it. I’m not popular with a particular type of reader, and I always worry those sorts will take my books because I know I can’t meet their expectations. (It’s happened before.) Anyway, I need to stop doing this to myself.
I also have gorgeous new cover art for Keeping the Faith and a November release date for that one. The short story I’ve been pulling from is in a collection I plan to release self-pubbed over the summer, hopefully July, currently titled Leaps of Faith.
Now for the WIPpet. Remember, LR has been trying to figure out how to tell her family something. She’s stalling, even though deep down she knows it will be all right. Here, she acknowledges Cat’s not going to let it go, but he may be hiding something of his own.
WIPmath: 3/15 = 3 + (1 x 5) = 8 paragraphs, mostly dialog.
Mom put a steaming bowl in front of her along with a spoon. LR picked up the spoon and hesitated. Despite her earlier misgivings, the soup smelled good, and her stomach rumbled. She supposed if it made her sick later, at least she might feel better in the moment. Cat had made himself something else. He couldn’t tolerate spicy foods at all. He sat down across from LR and began eating as well.
“Why aren’t you with David?” LR asked.
“He’s working all weekend.”
She frowned. “I thought he switched to the clinic to avoid the weird hours.”
“No,” Cat corrected her. “He switched because hospital work is too hard on him since the stroke.” Like Cat, David had hemophilia, and he’d had a mini-stroke the previous summer.
“Oh. They’re open on weekends?”
“He’s putting in some volunteer hours at the women’s center. So I’m going to help Dad with a few things while I’m home, and I’ll do my usual time at the cafe.”
LR wanted to ask if everything was okay between them. It seemed to her that Cat could’ve gone to David’s apartment after working hours. She dropped it. If Cat wanted to tell her anything, he would include it in their late-night talk after their parents had turned in.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!